Our Mission

The French Family Charitable Foundation is dedicated to meeting the needs of Oklahoma communities by focusing efforts on prevention outreach and promoting psychological and emotional well-being essential to overall health and sobriety. We believe through our commitment to our mission and by working collaboratively with others in our state, we will make a lasting difference.

Core Focus Areas


Promoting sobriety, improving early detection and providing accessibility to mental health and rehabilitation services for all students in Oklahoma by investing in school systems mental health and prevention programs.


Supporting organizations that provide both in-patient and outpatient services to Oklahomans in need of psychological and substance abuse treatment.


Strengthening the connections and leadership capacities of organizations committed to making Oklahoma a better place.


Recognizing good qualities, and focusing on positive character traits of our citizens both young and old.


When the French Family Charitable Foundation was founded in 1998 it focused its efforts on breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect and providing safe caring homes to children in Oklahoma foster care. Over time its philanthropy has evolved to meet the needs at the root of the problem; prevention and treatment became a critical focus to ensuring a better future for the children and families of Oklahoma.

  • A profound devotion to the safety and healthy development of children
  • A commitment to providing prevention education and skills needed to lead self-sufficient, productive, healthy lives that help strengthen our communities.
  • A commitment to fulfill the needs of those battling addiction or suffering from mental illness.

Who We Are

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